Sunday, June 2, 2024

An exciting time

for my grandson. He turns twenty one this month, the age all teenagers look forward to. I thought since he is in the Marines I would make a camouflage card. Now I can't make those funny little shapes camo has so I tried to make it with colors. There are quite a few different looks and colors but I think this is close to what he wears. Just a simple card since he is a guy!

In other news, I have been working around the mess in my house and trying to tidy up other rooms. It takes me so long to do anything, then I have to rest so the days aren't long enough to do everything. I try to do one big thing a day. Some days getting up is that thing! Signed contract to get started with kitchen but won't be until at least second week of this month.

My favorite thing about humans may be our ability to drench potatoes in mayo and call it salad with a straight face.

Be kind to one another.


Sue said...

You did a great job with the camouflage background, Brenda. He is going to love it.

Loll said...

Your grandson will love this card, Brenda. Perfect for him! xx

Viv said...

A brilliant card for a serviceman Brenda!

Liz said...

A super card for your grandson, Brenda.
Liz xx

Darnell said...

What a great camo card, Brenda! He will love it and I like that it is a benchmark for where he was in his life when he turned 21. I'm sorry you are having to wait so long to have your kitchen put back together. It's not easy living in disarray! I hope they get you on a for-reals schedule soon so you can get back to your routine! Love the joke ... and potato "salad!" Hugs, Darnell

Christine Alexander said...

Awesome camouflaged background, perfect card for your grandson ♥

Carol L said...

Congrat to your DGS on turning 21 and I know he'll recognize the camo design on this fun card you made to celebrate his turning 21. I'm having the same issues getting things done, but one foot in front of the other is what it takes. Keep up the great work!

Donna W. said...

Great job with the camo look. Your grandson will be so excited that you made a special meaningful card for him.

Trina P. said...

What a fantastic camouflage inspired card… perfect for your grandson!
I feel your pain… tackling a big task a day sounds like a great plan.

Bonnie said...

This is perfect for your Marine, Brenda! You did a great job on the camouflaged background! I hope they don't delay your kitchen fix up any more and the results are worth the wait.

Maria said...

Wonderful camouflage background! A perfect card for your grandson! Good luck with the kitchen repair and I hope all goes well! Take care and have a good weekend!!

pam said...

Wonderful card for your Grandson Brenda,
pam x

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Great card for your grandson...oh your one liners always crack me up!!!! Yeah, that is exactly what I do, "One big thing a day" then call it a day, I am always putting my feet up to mind is willing but my body does not want to keep up with my mind for some reason.

Greta said...

The absolutely perfect card for your grandson, Brenda! I know he will treasure it! Such a bummer they're taking so long to get things fixed for you, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel! In fact, maybe they're done since I'm so late in getting to your blog--sorry, my friend. Wish I wasn't so far away, but I do think of you often.