Sunday, May 12, 2024

Still here

I wish all the Mother's today a Happy Mother's Day. My mother is no longer here, along with so many that are gone, but it's still a day to celebrate them. 

I'm still here but somewhat stymied. I can't seem to move forward until this mess is cleaned up. I am one thing at a time person and this is making me crazy. Well, crazier. I made one card because I needed to. It is my granddaughter's birthday and, of course. I would make her a card. She is coming today with my sons to help me do some cleaning. I requested that for Mother's Day since there are things I cannot do myself. I'm looking forward to it and maybe it will kick start me.

She loves chocolate so I thought this would suit her to a T. I used the Waffle Flower postage die and rub-ons from Stamperia. So easy and so perfect for her.

I seem to be missing the "zippity" part of my "do-dah" day.

Be kind to one another.


Carol L said...

Wishing you a very happy Mother's day today and hopefully with the help you'll get in cleaning, it will mean so much to you! Love that chocolatey good card too. I wonder why I'm suddenly craving chocolate???

Sue said...

Brilliant card, Brenda -non-fattening chocolate! I hope you begin to get a bit straighter at home x

Greta said...

I've wondered how things are going, Brenda. Don't blame you for needing things to be more in order. Hopefully the kitchen is done soon! Such a great idea to have the family come help as your mother's day gift. I know you'll enjoy talking and laughing with them. Such a fun card for your chocolate loving granddaughter! Hugs, Greta

Darnell said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, too, Brenda! What a lovely and loving gift from your sons and granddaughter! I hope that puts the zippity back in your do-dah! But, honestly, I know how cleaning out places usually leads to cleaning out other places and then to other ... but, it's all good in the end and we will be here when you can get back to cards. In fact, you don't even need to publish a card; just a note with an update is always great!

As for your card, speaking as another chocolate addi-, er, lover, I am certain she will swoon over this!! Hugs, Darnell

Donna W. said...

Happy Mother's Day Brenda. How special that your sons will help you clean up. this is a perfect chocolate lover's card. I'm sure your granddaughter will love it. The great thing about making your own xards is you can personalize them specifically for the person.

Susan said...

Great card for your chocolate-loving granddaughter! Love all those chocolate images! And the postage die is perfect for it.

Bonnie said...

Well that's sure a zippity do dah card for your granddaughter, Brenda! How nice that they are coming to clean for you. I may ask for that next time myself!

Loll said...

Perfect card for a chocolate-lover, Brenda. Your granddaughter will love this! Awesome Mother's Day gift for you ... hope it all went well and you are feeling more settled. I did the same thing ... Jer hung pictures for me for Mother's Day. :) xx

Maria said...

How sweet of family to come and help to get things back in order! I’m with you on doing things one at a time. It seems to make it less chaotic that way. I hope you get full order back very soon. Your card for your granddaughter is so sweet and perfect for a chocolate lover. I do love the postage die from Waffle Flower and I have to hold myself back on buying everything to go along with it, lol! Take care, hugs!!