Saturday, September 14, 2024

Thank you

I want to thank you for the wonderful, uplifting cards, comments and calls since I got home. It is so fun to get them. Don't worry that it takes me so long to thank you. My neighbor is bringing in my mail and she has been sick, so didn't come over with it right away. 

I have had four doctor visits, four more blood draws and a CT scan since I got home and I am wiped out. Getting in the car to go someplace is so tiring and a new wrinkle is low hemoglobin. Well Duh. When you take blood several times a week and every day in the hospital what did you expect! I am glad to know the reason for me being so tired all the time. 

This coming week I have nothing going on and I can't wait. Maybe even get to make a card. I hope it comes back to me.

Daisy was thrown out of the casino. She totally misunderstood the meaning of the craps table!

Be kind to one another.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Hi to all my sweet friends. I am having an OK day and want to tell you I have been in the hospital. My sodium dropped below acceptable levels and we couldn't seem to get it up and they wouldn't let me go home. They gave me the wrong medicine, didn't have a kidney doctor treating me and no one came to walk me around for exercise. My bed was alarmed for chance of fall so I couldn't even get up without someone being there. Of course, Daisy, my dog was here by herself with people coming in and out to let her out and feed her and put her back in her crate. She was in there all day and night by herself for several days. My son came down to get her and take her to his house to keep her until I got out. She escaped from him and was in a place she had never been before. She was alone in the 90 plus degree heat for five and a half days and had walked four miles before a man cutting his property found her curled up in the very back of his lot. any longer and she would have been gone. He had to force her to drink, then took her in his house and gave her more water. He took her to the Humane Society and they called my daughter in law and sent a picture. Everyone in their community was looking for her. I had gone to stay with my son and daughter in law when I got out of the hospital so we could go look for her. I truly never thought I'd see her again and the trauma on top of everything else was terrible. We are both home now and she is back in her routine after sleeping non stop for four straight days. I am starting to recover but so tired all the time. Due to a miscue with hospital meds I was taking three steroids and two antibiotics and my heart was hammering all the time and I couldn't even walk. Now that is straightened out and I hope to be back to myself soon. Making no cards with four family birthdays this month! Hardly any computer time either but I will join you all as soon as I can. 

Be kind to one another.