It went wrong from the start. I cut two images with white cardstock. Glued one on the acetate and got glue everywhere. Then I glued the second image to the first so I would have groves to add the glue. The frame was so thin that was another chance to get more glue everywhere I missed the first time. Now to the glitter. That wasn't hard but there was a new issue. People with COPD cough sometimes out of nowhere with no warning. When you have glue in one hand and glitter in the other, you don't want to cough. Do you see where this is going? Yep, I coughed and glitter went everywhere. There is still some left on the acetate that I couldn't get off. That's where this card ends. I added it the GO7 so you could see things don't always go smoothly when making cards. Now I remember why I don't use glitter.
If a plant is sad do other plants photosympathise with it?